Neural Play
We venture to discover outer space, yet we still know very little about the mind and how it works. I was re-reading some pieces from Dan Siegel's book, Aware, last night and was again engulfed in the power of our mind when it comes neuroplasticity. His simple and famous (in my head) quote about the power of attention goes,
“Where attention goes, neural firing flows and neural connection grows.”
Attention is our most valuable resource. Companies like Facebook, Twitter, and Amazon know this well and try to keep you in their app and ecosystem as long as possible. They place high value on your attention.
They have persuaded you to give up some, if not all of your attention for bad entertainment (stimulus). What would happen if you focused that valuable attention towards the things that brought you and the world joy, happiness, and adventure?
Here is a short article by Dan Siegel that gets into the basics of how our mind has the capacity for neural growth, just like a muscle. Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes stronger. Focus your attention, grow your brain. It’s sexy.
With energy + happy hump day!