Empathy Athlete Evan. H running a 5K

Empathy Athlete

em·​pa·​thy ath·​lete
A person that practices various me-empathy and we-empathy skills in order to continuously improve personal abilities and prepare themselves for community participation and collaborative experiences with other people.

Empathy Athlete Practices

In Research

We conduct studies and are always looking to collaborate with organizations trying to better understand humans so that we can catalyze more "good trouble”.

Check out our current research efforts.

In Community

We gather, we talk, we laugh, we cry. We share stories, disagree, celebrate, and challenge each other to grow empathy muscles. Join us or start your own empathy community.

Join our community practice, Empathy Standup!

Interested in running your own community using our framework? Let’s talk!

In Workplace

Utilizing our Empathy Decathlon framework, we coach workshops (playshops) and help others champion empathy practices within their workplaces. Since we understand that “one size” doesn’t fit all, we recommend and collaborate with alternative empathy and compassion training organizations.

Check out our workplace empathy practices.