Let’s Get in
Good Trouble!

Recruiting Empathy Athletes

Empathy cannot be passive—it’s a crucial people skill that takes practice and community. To build this community of empathy, we are recruiting an army of Empathy Athletes from around the globe to join us in some good, empathetic trouble that drives lasting change.

Wait, what’s an Empathy Athlete?

Our Approach

At Empathy Lab, we are committed to nurturing a society where empathy takes center stage. Through our expertly crafted practices, engaging dialogues, gritty research efforts, and super soft t-shirts, we equip individuals and organizations with the essential tools to catalyze change. We created the Empathy Decathlon® framework to be our playbook and practice guide for all that we do.

You are awesome.

And we’re Empathy Lab,
an empowering practice community for
fellow humans and teams that’s changing
the way we change the world.